Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

I'm not sure whether I would like or dislike the man. I'm sure he's an affable enough fellow in personal conversation.

However, I dislike many of his policies (both in action and inaction).

I dislike the way he ran his first and second campaigns, allowing his people to slander fellow Republican John McCain.

I dislike his pandering to the religious right, but then I have always disliked that Republican tactic.

I dislike the closed, distrustful atmosphere his administration has demonstrated. His "insiders/yes-men-only" administration (see Mike Brown, Michael Chertoff, Harriet Miers) is profoundly distasteful to me. His administration has cultivated an "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality, which in my estimation undermines the long-standing principle of democratic debate within the U.S.

His resolve comes off to me as stubbornness in the face of criticism (and facts).

Bush and his people (along with their local and state colleagues) failed the Gulf Coast in the first days of Katrina. Why does Michael Chertoff still have a job?

On the other hand, like most politicians, he's probably a swell guy to have a (non-alcoholic) brew with. Doesn't mean I like him running our country.

Alright, I'm ready for what's coming...