Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

I don't like him because I believe there was a chance to reform the tax code and switch our system sales tax rather than income tax. He did nothing to push this forward at all. Plus, he spends like a drunken sailor. He isn't a fiscal conservative.

I like the fact that he is not swayed by opinion polls. While he may be dead wrong, he undoubtedly has more information than any of us could possibly possess. The down side to this is that he has trouble recognizing when his ideas don't work and doesn't change when it is required.

Overall, I view his presidency as a negative, but not as much as some on this board.

I tend to agree with this; overall I like Bush but I don't like many things he's done. I'd go a bit farther to say that I view his first term as a positive, even going to war in Iraq, but his second term has been a negative, primarily as a result of going into Iraq without a workable plan in place as to what should be done with the government there in order to stabilize the country. We're literally "stuck" there with no good way to get out without the country falling into a state of chaos.