Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

Last time I looked, Congress votes to spend the money, not George.

I don't like that he allowed his Republican majority Congress to increase the power of government in a fiscally irresponsible manner, while curtailing the liberties of the average American. Whatever happened to "government is best which governs least"?

In one of the most crucial moments in American history, Bush failed to lead from the front.

I don't like his initial response to Katrina. Total abdication of the power at his disposal. He kept up fluff piece meetings with political groups and remained technically "on vacation" in Crawford. Horrible, horrible symbolic message to send to the American public.

He sat there in Crawford for three days with the most expensive and elaborate mobile command post in the history of man at his disposal. He should have parked Air Force One at the New Orleans airport, invited Blanco to join him and led the efforts from the front.

My wife takes it one step futher and says he should have flown to Baton Rouge, picked up Blanco, set up a couple of folding chairs with her at the Superdome and sat there...waiting. He should have then insisted on being the last person to be evacuated. Stuff would have happened instantly. It would have sent a strong message too.

But, as TPS has noted, Bush has since caused money and aid to flow into people who need it, often despite the bungling and obstruction of the state and city government.

He doesn't get much credit for that on a national level. The image of him looking out the window of Air Force One when he should have been on the ground, leading from the front, is etched in everyone's mind.