Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

Good thread. And for fun, here's my take.

Truly, the only words I can create here are metaphorical.

I see George Bush as a sociopath, with a maturity level of a 10 year old, who is basically good at stealing firecrackers. He was hand-picked for his role by an older gang of outlaws (Rove and Cheney) who are good at making George the nice storefront face of their gang, while they wipe out everything oppositional in their path, and then take the people's money to cyclically "rebuild" and "redestroy" turf as needed, but always at their profit.

To help build a firewall around their operation, they engaged enemies, while artificially elevating the capacity of damage those enemies could create, rallying the masses to be convinced that only they could protect them and mitigate the artificial fear they created.

Meanwhile, because George, the ten year old, was given all the primary power that goes with his perch lookout and front-door face role, he protects his sponsoring gang by acting out his socio-pathology and destroying the very core infrastructure that this country's strength was built upon over two-plus centuries, namely, Constitutional Rule of Law, Checks and Balances Among Three Branches, Fair Elections, a Strong Military, a Strong Middle Class, and Separation of Church and State.

Any discussion of his "policy" is really a discussion of Programmatic Propaganda, and, the ultimate privatization scam -- who's buying and selling power and resources that are supposed to be owned by the republic, but no longer are.

His Presidency is the evolved iteration of Nixon, and the Nixonians who held power at that time.