Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

Not pointing a finger at you or anybody else Blackadder. Heck, we all do this from time to time.

Copying and pasting a brief blurb and a link to erase any doubts about sources of information or to initiate or expand a discussion is one thing.

But, posting pages and pages of copied and pasted material in a point-counter-point Google battle between two or three people quickly renders a thread dead in my book.

Also, if you look back at the opinions I've expressed in the past couple of pages, you may be surprised, given what you've seen me post in the past.

Some of my opinions have changed and evolved with new events and new information. Some of my opinions haven't changed at all.

One thing which I've come to resent is the notion that if someone disagrees with another poster, it's because they haven't read this trendy article or seen that propaganda-laced video.

I've seen political crusaders appear here and instantly start slinging labels at people with whom they disagree. Moonbat...liberal...neocon...Limbaugh dittohead...etc.

The notion that another poster is ignorant and needs to be "educated" smacks of elitism and is the height of hubris. Although both sides do this in one way or another, I associate this tactic with groups like MoveOn and the condescending liberal intelligencia from the East and West Coasts.

Maybe that's just my perception, but it's based in life experiences.

We've got a lot of fairly well-educated and knowledgeable people here on the EE Board.

Blackadder, as you and I have come to discover over the past couple of years, after a fairly rocky and resentful start, you and I probably agree on more things than we disagree on.

Are you a "copy and paster"? Sometimes you are. Sometimes I am. But, lately, when I'm tempted to do that, I stop myself, write a paragraph in my own words, then post an Additional Info style link afterwards for those who want to question the information.

It's a lot more personal that way.