Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

mg450, a well-thought out and logical assessment. I especially liked the touch at the end. :)

Blackadder, one more point on "copy and paste."

I don't want to hit this too hard or directly point a finger at anybody, but you can go to various websites in the political spectrum and readily find a canned set of links and posts for the purpose of indoctrinating new members or swaying opinions or rebutting the opposition.

A free and open discussion is one thing, spreading Ann Coulter's vicious bile or Limbaugh's twisted lies or seeking to "educate" people using using a mind-numbing formula of postings laid out at ThinkProgress is another thing entirely. Indoctrination in the guise of discussion is still indoctrination and it's something I personally resent from either side.

I do my best to stay away from that stuff. I do have a tendency to go to the Guardian or Haaretz, which would both be cosidered left leaning papers in their respective countries. But I also find a lot in Washington Times (right) and oter centrist sources.

I do try to find as many primary sources as possible, or a few sources that cut across the political spectrum that agree with my position. "Opinion pieces" by the like of Coulter, Limbaugh or even Al Franken I do not care for. Too partisan.

But I'll try to be mindful of "link fatigue."