Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

He was illegally elected because his brother purged his own fellow citizens from the voter rolls
From the beginning before he was even “elected” he was stomping the rights of citizens guaranteed by the constitution into the mud
He gave a tax cut to all his rich buddies
He was involved with Enron and Ken Lay
The Bush and Bin Ladens have a great relationship
Bin Laden killed 3 thousand Americans
Before 9-11 Bush ordered the CIA to back off hunting down Bin Laden
After 9-11 he flew all of his friends (the Bin Ladens) out of the country
Patriot act
Military commissions act
LIED to get us into a war with Iraq so he could pay off all his rich buddies
He blew the cover on an under cover CIA agent that could have gotten her killed he did this because he wasn’t going to let anyone stop him from going to war.
Murdered thousands of U.S. soldiers
Murdered tens of thousands of Iraqis
Won’t listen to pentagon commanders on Iraq
Won’t listen to generals on the ground in Iraq
If their opinions differ from his he fires them
Won’t listen to congress on Iraq
Won’t listen to the American people on Iraq
Probably won’t listen to the Iraqis on Iraq
He acts like he is a Texan when he is really a yuppy from up north
He acts like a cowboy but he is afraid of horses
Pre Katrina he didn’t provide enough funds to protect New Orleans
During Katrina he just let people die
Post Katrina he has done nothing to protect my city, the protection we have is probably worse than before Katrina. If another hurricane hit he would just let people die again.
He wants to go to war with Iran and will LIE to get that one going also.

There is nothing that I like about Bush. He is a criminal and his administration is full of criminals. They should all be arrested and put on trial for treason.