Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

Dapperdan, LOL, funny you should mention "Mitch."

In Journalism school, they showed us a film of a student reporter approaching a bum sleeping on a vent on an icy cold Washington day. The student offered the guy a cab ride to a shelter, money and a job referral. The man angrily chased the student away and went back to curl up the vent.

Later, the man was picked up by a car and another man took his place. The car went to the headquarters of a political action committee. The man entered looking like a homeless bum and walked out wearing a suit.

Although he'd been interviewed for various evening news shows as a homeless person and an indication of Reagan's neglect of social issues, he was actually a paid political activist/actor symbolically playing the part of a homeless man.

I never forgot that video.

CitySaint, know what? I honestly believe that all you wrote is your honest opinion. I totally disagree and take great exception to about half of it, but you're entitled to your opinion.