Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

I'm not sure if this was covered already or not but, simply put

the complete and utter lack of accountability.

Look, I don't mind that he screwed up (and yes, he's screwed up a lot more then just the Iraq war). I don't even directly mind that he mislead the nation (he's not the first president to do so).

It's the total lack of accountability.

We go into Iraq with too few troops and he keeps Rumsfield on until Rumsfield causes the Repulicans to lose the midterms and only then sacks Rumsfield to prove that he didn't do it under pressure. We just don't need that kind of self-centered egoism in office.

Presidents screw up. Lincoln went through, how many Generals over the AotP? 8? Kennedy had his Bay of Pigs, FDR went through well over a dozen New Deal programs started and stopped, it happens. It's ok. But freaking &(#^@( dadgummit, when you screw up suck it up, admit it, and try something new. Don't freaking act like everything is going "just as planned" when 7 year olds can look at it and clearly know it didn't.

I mean jeez, just say you screwed up. It's not going to make you look weak dude, we know that you screwed up already. Everyone's just waiting for you to freaking admit it so you can do something about it.