Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

With me, it's nothing personal against Bush. Man as a whole has shown through the course of history that they are unable to fix the biggest problems and make everyone happy. The Bible clearly states that only GOD will do that. (Rev 21:4)
Actively backing one person over another is a waste of time because failure is always the end result.
I'm sure most of you are familiar with the 'Our Father' prayer which is taken from a model prayer that Jesus gave his disciples at Matthew 6:9-13. Every time someone says that prayer, they are praying for God's Kingdom to come and make conditions on the earth as peaceful and perfect as they are in heaven. So it is actually contradictory to this prayer to put any amount of time and energy into supporting human efforts at government. Getting involved in politics shows a lack of faith that God will do what he has promised.