Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

He tried everything in his power to stop the elderly and sick who were basically choosing between food and drugs from getting cheaper drugs in Canada.

The ghost of Mitch Snyder. Subsitute the elderly and their afflications for homeless.

I would have rephrased it slightly to read:"He tried everything in his power to stop the elderly and sick who were basically choosing between food (sometimes dog food), and drugs from getting cheaper drugs in Canada. The more dramatic the better. Lesson 1: Don't stop with these examples being merely elderly and sick, take it one step further, or two steps: the elderly who eat dog food, the elderly who are crippled, etc.

But I 100% agree with you that he is a true politician. Does he really believe in his words, or does he spout them off just to win an election. I definitely agree with you there. He is all about the winning, and any person or belief that stands in his way is getting thrown under the bus in a heartbeat. And I agree that those are not admirable qualities.

Ever since his election, I've wondered which previous Administration Bush's would ultimately come to resemble the most. Ultimately, Bush's Administration stands on it's own, there are just too many differences with past Administrations. As far as personal qualities, I would say that his willingness to use any and every tool at his disposal for his own political gain is on par with Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton. However, he (Bush) strikes me as a President less interested in policy details than any President in my lifetime, a trait that has not served the country well during this time of war.