Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

Dan. So you're saying the drug thing didn't happen?

Do I, personally, agree with that law? No. Do I believe that individuals know more about themselves than the government does; i.e. their budgets, where they should purchase drugs that would most benefit them. Absolutely.

Unfortunately, this is a product of a system that has been in place since the 70's. Back in 1979, Milton Friedman highlighted this very exact phenomena in the U.S. medical system during his 10 part series Free To Choose.

So is Bush a better President by deliberately choosing to ignore the wishes of the FDA?
IMO, yes, he would be a better President by leaning on the side of individuals over the FDA, But it's not such an easy issue. It's not as if the FDA is an arm of the Federal Government that is filled with Bush backers, it's not a case of cronyism regarding the FDA's position on the matter.