Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

Which puts him in the same league as Abraham Lincoln, who suspended habeas corpus, and FDR, who had thousands of Amercian citizens shipped to internment camps and had their property seized all because of their race.

Does it make it right? No.

Are such actions without precident in the face of threat to the nation? No.

Pardon me while I turn around and puke. Let's not lose our heads and compare the Lincoln administration with the Bush administration. Lincoln surrounded himself with a brilliant cabinet filled with his political rivals. Having a fully realized intellect, he welcomed the challenging arguments these men would pose and put country before politics and patronage in search of viable solution to the problems vexing the nation. Bush surrounded himself with people who share his narrow view despite their lack of experience and corporate conflicts of interest. People who opposed his flawed ideology and tried to bring reason and historical context to the debate have been unceremoniously dumped (e.g. Powell, Shinseki). While the Civil War raged, Lincoln spent countless hours in the library reading books on military strategy with an aim to bring a speedy end and save American blood and treasure. Poor Dubya, it’s been reported, had no idea the difference between Sunni and a Shiite just 2 short months before the Iraq invasion. When faced with military blunders, Lincoln had no qualms about replacing his military leaders. Only to score political points did Dubya finally dismiss Rummy.

Although a fine politician (ie. skilled liar and master manipulator), Bush is an intellectual lightweight and totally bereft of curiosity. The same cannot be said for Lincoln. Comparing the erosion of liberty in Bush’s war of terror ($1 to Borat) and Lincoln’s temporary suspension of habeus corpus is a red herring of the highest order. Lincoln was facing a war, not of his making, on American soil where it was (often literally) brother against brother and was struggling to save the Union. Bush <b>chose</b> to engage the US in an illegal war and has displayed unprecedented fecklessness and a rampant disregard of the Constitution in prosecuting it.

Comparing Bush’s motives with Lincoln’s motives should be a crime under the Patriot Act. :hihi: