Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

Regarding a presidential candidate not winning the popular vote, but winning the electorial college and the election, sorry but that's the law and it has occurred many times in our nation's history.

First that is very wrong. In history a few elections were close but only two times before has this happened when the President won the college but not the Popular vote. It has not happened many times, it has not happened a few times it happened twice.


If you look into it, only one the 1888 election was just like 2000, you could argue the 1924 election but the house did that not the College. So to say it happens is wrong, your party won and in the end we all lost. Thanks

But that okay Bush's brother stole the election with help from a certain Woman who was later rewarded for this. It was a sham. But it happened no more sour grapes. Look I read everysingle post and you are pro-bush. You have countered every single Liberal claim with something de-meaning to great leaders. First you try to lump Lincoln in and now Kennedy. Well that is just crazy. Kennedy was a great leader in his short time, Nixon was a crook.