Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

Isn't hat a nice way to describe the forced conversions that happened for the first 1700 yars of the church. The idea that others must belive as you. Our ancestors were made Christian many by force, many had no choice. I cringe when I hear the "share" thing. It reminds me of the "Jehovah's witness' " that come by all the time or the guys on bikes. Worse yet Tom Cruise want to teach his truth to you too. I am Christian, but I don't force my ideas on others. It seems many on the right do.

I think you have the wrong religion, my friend.

I personally - nor anyone I know - have not forced anyone to accept Jesus as their Savior at the point of a gun, sword, or other weapon.

By "share" I mean telling others that Jesus died for all of our sins - mine, yours, Bush's, Obama's, and even Hillary's. Salvation is a gift from God and is yours (and everyone else's) freely by accepting that Jesus died for your sins. You don't have to believe it and I can't make you - nor would I try. That decision is (and has always been) between you and God.

I am glad to hear that you are a Christian. That decision that you made is more important than any political disagreement that we could have.