Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

But that okay Bush's brother stole the election with help from a certain Woman who was later rewarded for this. It was a sham. But it happened no more sour grapes. Look I read everysingle post and you are pro-bush. You have countered every single Liberal claim with something de-meaning to great leaders. First you try to lump Lincoln in and now Kennedy. Well that is just crazy. Kennedy was a great leader in his short time, Nixon was a crook.

I've read every single one of your posts and you are anti-Bush. :hihi:

Demeaning great leaders?

An assertion was made that Bush suspended habeas corpus. To my knowledge, the only president who ever did that on a national basis was Lincoln. I made no comparison between the two men.

How is it demeaning to quote a fact?

An assertion was made that Bush's actions indicate that our civil rights will be so eroded that citizens can be hauled off the streets of America and held in detention centers without probable cause and due process. I made no comparison between the two men.

To my knowledge, the only president who did that on a national basis was FDR with the internment of Japanese Americans.

How is it demeaning to quote a fact?

Sure, using the Kennedy/Monroe liason as an example of facts which we may not know for 30 years could be construed as Kennedy bashing by someone who reveres the man.

But, again, it's a fact. It happened and it was hidden and glossed over for the American public for 30 years, just like Johnson consulting with Jean Dixon, Betty Ford's addictions and Nancy Reagan's astrologers.

Again, how is it demeaning to quote a fact?

The 2000 election was brought up. It was a close election. The closest election in modern times was in 1960 between Kennedy and Nixon. The margin was razor thin. The parallel was between disputed elections, not between men. It's a proven fact that dead people voted for Kennedy in Chicago in large numbers.

No mention was made of Kennedy as a leader.

Bush's brother? Well, would you like to talk about Kennedy's brother and the dead secretary, or Joeseph Kennedy making his fortune in bootlegging, or the liason between Joseph Kennedy and Richard Dailey?

Kennedy became revered because he was killed in office, but he was no angel and his family was and is notorious for their excesses.