Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

I think you have the wrong religion, my friend.

I personally - nor anyone I know - have not forced anyone to accept Jesus as their Savior at the point of a gun, sword, or other weapon.

Thats why I said first 1700 years. In the 18th century it seems things tuned down. If you go tothe Inquisition and the Spanish conquests. Many were converted at the edge of a sword. Many were killed for refusing. When I say ancestors I mean Waaaaaaaay back.

I also believe Islam is behind Christianity but following in its foot steps. If you figure that Islam was started 600 years later. If we go back 600 years, Cristian were similar. If you said an idea that was against the church you were punished. If you were an infidel you were forced to convert or killed. Christianiy was a religion of fear until it was reformed in th 18th century. New ideas taught the love of god and not the fear of god.

Everything we see with the Muslims, we can look into our own history and see the same things. What was a womans role back then? Could a woman show skin even a hundred years ago in the US? That is my point, we had to achive things first, Some of our ideals followed those of the Jews even further back. I hate to say it but Islam needs to adapt and catch up. But to say it is bloodthirsty is wrong, because we have been there done that.

I belive that is why we can not win in the Middle East, our ideals are just too different.

And Dad, yes I am anti-Bush.

But what you brought up about FDR and Lincoln were deamed nessacary for the times. I think the internment of the Japanese was wrong,but I know many and myself amoun them thought the same thing after 9/11 with the Muslms.

To quote a fat is not to demean, but we are talking about a leader now, and you go back and bring up things that great leaders have done instead of focusing on Bush.

This thread you started was on Bush, yet you keep going back and bringing up dead presidents to say he did this he did that. But they had great legacies, Bush will be remebered for hurting this country and many will agree on that.

So you can keep bringing up old ideals, and trying to bring past presidents into the argment, but hy not stick to the thread? Like I said before it is my belief you started this thread just so you can TRY to counter every liberal who replies.

2008 can't come fast enough I fear we will have a few wars on our hands by then.