Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

I'm pro-America and pro-military. I'm an old-timey Hawk. I'm not pro-Bush or anti-Bush at this stage. I'm pro-US.

What's Bush doing to stop attacks?

Basically, everything that the civil libertarians are objecting about, from snooping on our international communications to renditions, secret prisons and questionable interrogation techniques. :)

Which of course can be used to just gain political power for the sake of keeping it. You assume, quite wrongly that these measures will only be used to fight terrorism, and not acquire political power.

Kind of like completely ignoring the Constitution and the 1978 law which requires the executive branch to get a court order to conduct domestic surveillence. Of course, you may counter by claiming that the president would never do such a thing...but the 1978 Law was put in place because another President abused this power.

And Republicans agree.
