Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

I agreed with most of that six pages ago.

I disagree about labeling the current presidency as "bad" until it is out of office, all the classified info is declassified and we can see what effect Bush's decisions or lack of decision have had. Say about 20 to 30 years from now.

I said that six pages ago, too.

This administration has made it very clear that they believe the Executive holds the power to declassify information. They've even gone so far as to release fabricated and distorted intelligence in order to justify the invasion. Why should we not think they would release authentic intelligence?? Especially now when not only the world but <b>finally</b> the American people have grown tired of the Bumbler in Chief and his failed experiment in Iraq, there is no doubt they would release information to justify the invasion. This administration has proven over and over again that they’re not above politicizing anything in order to score political points so it stretches credulity to think they’re holding back info that would secure his legacy.

I agree that it sometimes takes time to give a final grade on administration, but not always. There is zero chance this president will be revered as much as the presidents you have drawn comparisons to, Lincoln, FDR, or even JFK.