Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

Zach, I signed up January 20, 1975, several months before the embassy fell in Saigon.

The Marines were big on absentee voting, so I registered as a Louisiana Democrat. In Novmeber that year, I voted for Jimmy Carter.

In 1978, by presidential directive, I got to fly the 3-mile limit along the coast of Beruit, Lebanon, as a show-of-force (guns but no bullets, Carter's orders) against the PLO. They had shells for their 20mm Borfors cannons. I know they did. They "test fired" them in our direction several times. You know, just to keep us awake. :)

So, like your dad, I never served in Vietnam, but I'm classified as a Vietnam Era Veteran.

I've never been in a combat zone. See, at the time when I was there, Beruit wasn't a declared combat zone. Besides, I never got within three miles of the place. Now, the range of the PLO's truck-mounted 20mm Borfors cannons exceeded 3 miles, but that's beside the point. :)