Everyone Who Dislikes/Likes George W. Bush, Tell Us Why In Your Own Words

Zach, way back at the starting pages of this thread, I gave Bush a big fat NO GO on Katrina response.

But, the simple fact is that the entire Louisiana Army National Guard's 225th Engineer Group was mobilized and stood ready to respond, but our governor did not give the order for them to move south for three days and she refused to relinquish control of them either.

In the end, she retained control of that huge unit and all other Guard units sent from all the other states.

Why did she wait three days? It was a matter of who was going to maintain control and who was going to pick up the tab and pay for it.

In the end, the governor retained control of all Guard units and the Feds picked up the entire tab...that was a first in U.S. history.

We've had some rather long threads about that in the past.

Again, I give Bush a NO GO on Katrina response, but there's plenty of blame to go around there at all levels.