Pretty Good list. I would make a couple of changes. Honestly, last year was the most important, historic year in Saints history. I understand that JD may not have wanted to be so heavy on one year, but it is what it is. There's no way the kick that sent the Saints to the Superbowl in Overtime is not one of the top plays in Saints history. If we had lost the Superbowl, that kick would be #1. Can anyone argue that? Plus, I know great plays last in our memory but those tend to get lost on paper. Great plays in games we win will stand through time because at the end of the day it remains as a win and wins are remembered from one generation to the next. Without further ado,
LiveFromDC's top 10 Plays in Saints History:
10. Meachem's Miracle - Meachem single handedly won the game. I almost ranked it higher thant the Turkey Day Takeaway for the simple fact that Meachem's play turned the moment AND scored. Jenkins play although a HUGE play wasn't big enough to help us win the game alone though it comes pretty close! To me there's two reason's TDT is bigger. It was a nationally televised game (record breaker in fact) and....
9. The Turkey Day Takeaway - we beat Dallas!
8. Dempsey's Big Foot - The only play on the list that's a NFL record. It's been equaled since but not broken.
7. Deuce's Dozer. - Big Momentum Play! Playoff game, too! Huge, however its not as big as the next play which sealed the first Saints playoff victory in history.
6. "Hakim Drops the Ball!" - Here's where the firsts begin. First playoff win was sealed with this play.
5. Gilliam's Kickoff Return - First play in Saint's History!
4. Gleason's blocked punt - First game back in the Dome! Probably the loudest moment in Dome history as well.
AMBUSH!!!! Get it, HA, you didn't see it coming! My #4a play is another special team marvel. The ultimate tide turning play in the HISTORY of the NFL. Ambush.
3. Porter's Pick (no.) 4 - Once again, we were on the brink of a lost when the momentum was suddenly shifted the other direction.
2. "You Belong Here" - I can't fathom a way this kick is lower than 2. As much as our #1 play was great for all it accomplished and the exhileration I felt, watching this kick (it was like slow motion) expertly, divinely as if guided by angels...better yet Saints, sail through the air perfectly in line to split the middle of the uprights...was just ineffable. I can't explain the amount of emotions that ran through me in that short instance. Disbelief, relief, excitment, all at once. It's the only play on the list, and I've seen all but one live, that made me cry. If not for what #1 meant (winning a Superbowl), it would be #1 hands down.
1. Porter's Pick 6 - No words necessary.