Um..Saints won...and everyone's mad? Geezzz Louiz....

The super-duper-mega homerism has really brought this forum down several levels. When I joined this site earlier this year, I did so after hearing such wonderful things about it. But over the course of such a relatively short period of time, this forum has really suffered. It's sad when there is such little tolerance for anything positive said about a team other than the Saints and that there can't be freedom of discourse and avatar display without the mods revoking privileges or banning people. :rant:

This forum is same as it ever was and that's a good thing. Nicely moderated, good self policing from posters and generally good discourse. If you're having problems with getting banned I'd take a good long look at how you might be provoking folks. If your sensibilities are easily offended I'd also avoid the game day board, and maybe even avoid the SSF for a couple of days until things have cooled off after a tough loss.