Playcalling difficulties due to a completely healthy backfield

Why is having a healthy stable of backs a "difficulty" to some people? Depth at RB is one of our biggest strengths. It enables us to keep fresh legs in the game at all times.

As far as who gets the majority of the carries, Payton is going to continue to ride the hot hand, and right now it's Ivory.

2 weeks from now it could be Bush, Thomas, any one of those guys. They're all capable of getting hot. I don't see this as a problem.

I thought I made it clear that it's great to have so much talent. It is.

But these guys are all different. They excel at different things. Whether you believe it or not, that causes gameplanning difficulties.

The "hot hand" today was Ivory. For the most crucial last drive he was in the game, no doubt. But for much of the second half, he wasn't while we tried to establish other stuff (that didn't really work out, other than Reggie's couple of good runs).

I think it's just a bit more complicated than you're making it. But whatever. I suspect Payton will make it work. I just think we are going to have to test some things out in the next few weeks and hopefully get some good balance/rythm going before the post season.