Courtney Roby!

I'm open to the idea that it's coaching.... But I need someone to explain why they think it's coaching??? I've heard several people say that and that makes me ask the question... It's easy to point to coaching or play calling cuz you don't need evidence really... If a play doesn't work, it was a bad play call and the coach is stupid.... Sooo anyway.... please give me the reasons that you think it's coaching.


I agree. Why is it coaching in this instance?

I'm not sure how you can blame the coach for Roby having no vision and insisting on continuing to run straight up his blocker's backs instead of making a cut somewhere.

One specific kickoff yesterday Roby had room to run if he breaks it outside to the left and he had lane inside if he goes right. Instead he runs into his blocker (literally ran into him) and trys to power forward for a few yards. He's been doing this all year.

I can't even say Roby has been a good gunner this year. He really hasn't.