My head is going to explode

I think I have the worst sinus infection that I've ever had. It started last Wednesday evening, knocked me out with high fever until Friday evening. Had started to feel better since then, but now I'm so congested with everything trying to drain. The pressure on the left side of my face is terrible. It's literally making my upper teeth sore. The color of the stuff coming out of my nose is not nice. If this keeps up, I'm heading to the doctor for a shot tomorrow. Usually I can shake a sinus infection in a couple of days, but this stuff is beastly.

had it mid November.

I waited about 10 days before I couldnt take it anymore. I ended up with Levaquin and 5 day Medpro pak (prednisilone sp?) steroid. Took another 8 days to completely go away.

This one was by far the worst I have had in about 5 years. And now I am noticing a shift from spring to fall. I used to get them in March/April but in last two years, no longer spring but right around Nov when the cold fronts come down. Prolly bringing all that northern pollen/allergens with it that I am not used to.