Locker Room "cancers" ...Saints & Hanesworth

I can think of a few successful Saints who were labeled actual or probable cancers:

Anthony Hargrove ...drug use

Darren Sharper ...squabble over Packers' contract

Jeremy Shockey stirring the pot with him & Eli; how Giants dissed him in SB XLII(?)

Hanesworth's attitude has gone south with the Redskins. But then again, Randy Moss ("poster boy problem child") was horrible attitude-wise with the Raiders & return to the Vikings. Yet, he was a "model citizen" with the Patriots and their system.

Given Hanesworth's potential as a dominant D-lineman, and the possibilities of him being on a D-line with Big Sed in the middle and Big Will on the other end (and 3G as D-Coordinator), would it be worth the risk for Loomis to (as many have said) ..."make it happen?"

When properly motivated, Hanesworth is unstoppable one-on-one. Unfortunately, in recent years he's been as motivated as Jonathan Sullivan. :covri: :jpshakehead:
