I think we are biased

Again, this was my argument. People will use the who have they beaten argument on this board all the time. Do those people know that statistically we have the easiest schedule in the NFL so far? Biases and convenient oversights like that make for non-credible people.

Again, my argument is that any stat can be biased and full of convenient oversights. GI/GO.

Injuries/health, suspensions, home/away, personel/coaching changes, hot streaks, days between games, bye week/opp. bye week, and so on are not reflected in general stats like SOS. There also really not mch different between schedules in the NFL like in college.

However, as a person who watches NFL football, you would think you would be aware of these trends and games within games and be able to analyze accordingly.

FYI, Saints played the weakest schedule last year too as do many champions across many different leagues. Tell that to the Colts, Vikings, and Cardinals as if it mattered much.

As far as being biased, the title of the forum is a heck of a metric to explain that.