I think we are biased

i give up. People are literally responding to the opposite of what im saying.

Me:People really shouldnt say that teams arent good cause they have weak schedules
People in this thread: the problem with your argument is you cant judge a teams prowess by their SOS
Me: Agreed. If you could, we would not be good. We are. We shouldnt use the, the teams you play arent good argument for other teams. Its a biased argument.
People in this thread: How many times do i have to say that SOS doesnt tell you everything?
Me: Zero times. You could read what im saying and realize thats the bases of my entire argument.
People in this thread: Let me say this one more time....
Me: Bangs head against wall

Other people in the thread: Hey, this post doesnt contain
A)the words Who Dat
B)Reasons we are the best
C)reasons the Falcons are not good
D)Something about us being disrespected by the media

Im going to thumbs down it and start attacking.

My god the quality of the posters on this board, and their ability to remove their fanatical glasses and have a football conversation goes down with every win. Give and take i suppose.

Calling people biased and attacking them just because they don't agree with you don't really promote a good discussion. Even though people may not respond the way you want doesn't mean we can't have a good discussion about stats and the different way they can be interpreted (and misinterpreted)

Also - a lot of the threads using stats as arguments are weighted with actual information as well underscoring the arguments. It is not just saying team x is 6-2 but saying they are 6-2 but they beat 2 teams who had major injuries and another 3 teams who are not very good and rebuilding. In a case like that it can be argued "that a team hasn't beaten anybody yet". Look at last year - Giants started hot with a lot of easy opponents, but when they hit the tougher opponents - they folded. In order to use stats you always need to keep the bigger picture in mind as well