the VG board football thread

Priceless decorum. I make a cry for help and you post about it. How am I expected to maintain the image I have on these boards of being a conventional, sober-minded paragon of excellence?

Did I post self-administered roofies? I apologize... I meant to leave that part to the imagination of the reader.

It's way too early to post serious bizness on the VG and I'm like that guy in the stupid McDonald's commercial (or was it BK?) that hasn't had his coffee yet.

Please forgive me.

For the record, we're not sure if the roofies were intentional on WDQ's part. They very easily could have been slipped to him buy some unscrupulous fiend hell-bent on shagging the shag.

Either way, they apparently worked as planned (or so I gathered from the text msg).

If you're truly reaching out for help though, please follow up with another mass text msg and we'll try to organize an intervention @ the bay. We'll talk about it over drinks. :9: