the VG board football thread

This game...I can't put my finger on what bothers me so much. Yeah, the defense was soft and appeared slow. Yes, Shanle had zero tackles and one assist. Yes, our running game was nonexistent.

I can get over all that stuff. It's not our identity. Our identity is Brees, and the way he looked bothered (bothers) me.

First, he appeared to be retreating all day. Fidgety, skittish, and jittery.

Second, he was decidedly unsure all day. On the sidelines, he looked passive and sorta scared from the beginning. He looked tight.

I don't know what caused this with him. He's the Superbowl MVP of a great offense with great performance history over the past 5 years. Why not be confident and aggressive? Even if there is something in the gameplan that worries you, why not attack it regardless rather than tap-dance around it?

That's what bothered me. Because if that shows up again, our chances aren't good. And it doesn't ever need to show up; it serves no purpose. It's vexing that it even would show up. And the only one who can control whether it shows up or not is Drew.

Just be the ball, Drew. For better or worse, sling it like the maniac you are. Stop trying to control it.

You think it was the fear of interceptions? You think he was holding on too tight?