Maybe, if you're looking at the entire year. But you would think by week eleventyteen that they would have had plenty of time to synch up all the throws and techniques.
I'm looking at one game - the Baltimore game. Brees played scared, imo. That doesn't make any sense to me. It wasn't just his play, it was his mannerisms from pregame throughout. Whenever the camera was on him, he didn't look like the world beater that he is. He didn't look like the terminator. Brother looked scared.
He's played a handful of scared games like this before, and the results are usually terrible. The second half of the NFC championship game, the Chicago playoff game, the Baltimore game from 06, numerous Carolina games - those come to mind.
I think Brees is very smart and controlling. And I think sometimes he tries to control too much. This game, I think he knew he was playing against the "Baltimore Defense" and was trying extra hard not to throw picks.
I hate seeing him tentative in the pocket. I hate seeing him retreat in the pocket. I hate seeing him fidgety and skittish. If you're gonna lose, don't lose out of fear to mess up (especially when you're as awesome as he is). Lose because you were going balls out.
But seriously, who am I to tell Drew Brees how to play. I mean, he's gotten this far without Mongoosian input. And maybe I'm simplifying things too much - maybe the pocket was getting pushed from the middle and he had to retreat to see over the linemen. Maybe all his receivers were covered up. I dunno.
I just don't see Tom Brady ever playing scared, even when he flames out. It's all part of the "if you're gonna be a bear, be a grizzly" mentality that I support. You're either all in or all out. Half stepping is a sure path to failure.