Draft talk

Our current group of DBs are good, if Robinson will step it up.

We should be set, more or less, on the Offensive side of the ball.

So that leaves DL and LBs.

There is no telling how good Sed Ellis could be with some more dominant DL help. Will Smith should be good for next year, but that still leaves two spots on the DL that could be upgraded.

The LB corps is in much worse shape than the coaches acknowledge, publicly. We claimed one of our starters off waivers...come on...I don't care how much potential some of our young LBs have, they're hurt and we need some big time help back there.

Consequently, I think this may be one of those years where we see them load up for a big trade up into the top 15, or so.

We are missing "star quality" in the LB and DL corps.

We have star quality on the Offensive side, we have it in the DBs. We need to fill out the rest.

DL/LB -- let's hope for some big time moves.

Oh, and hopefully they will draft a new Special Teams coach in the second or third round :)