Anyone else figure we MUST establish the Rush?

Seems to me, IMHO, The SAINTS must RUSH the football!

This play-off picture is getting really crowed! The teams who prevailed today and then the iggles too, looked pretty convincing. TB, GB, da bears even the lambs? Man, there was a time when it looked really, ultimately winnable to me. Now, these teams look stong as we are comng off a really weak performance in b'more. Of course, I still BEILIEVE we've got what it takes to win out! Yet, there is an apparent need for The SAINTS to rush the ball effectively for the balance to win consistently. When we do, we WIN! Drew has thrown far too many picks this season which would indicate a heavy reliance on him, forcing him into some pretty harsh situations.

Now I know Drew's up to it and he IS THE MAN, but it IS a TEAM sport! We have the talent and obviously the will, skill, understanding,,,,,,,,, I mean we ARE the CHAMPS afterall, right?

Sure will be nice to see a complete game from a complete TEAM come tomorrow night, THAT includes Rush calls and a Rushing ATTACK as well!

Flame away but I sure will be happy to see Our TEAM hit the Field RUNNING tomorrow night! WOW !!!!!! What a game and what a season! Let's do some damage!