The Falcons-Saints Rivalry: Hating America's Team After Hurricane Katrina

Roddy's tweet exposed a loophole that's gone previously unnoticed by most NFL fans: New Orleans is more than willing to capitalize upon Hurricane Katrina as a means of fabricating a redemption narrative for their football team. But those same opportunists squawk with incredulity when opposing fans, players and media treat that horrible disaster with the same triviality.

I have never once asked ESPN to talk about Hurricane Katrina. Does this idiot really think I--and the rest of New Orleans--luxuriate in my city's ever present attachment to one of the worst disasters of all time? I do not revel in the weakness and despair; I certainly do not "capitalize upon Hurricane Katrina as a means of fabricating a redemption narrative."

This entire story is ********. I dare him to fly down here and tell that to me or any other New Orleanian, anyone else who returned to a city so broken and crestfallen, only to persevere and rebuild our home.

I don't usually get offended at silly little pieces, but this is just ********.