the VG board football thread

...I turned it up to 11 last night.

Yeah, but that's a normal day for you.

Monday nights for me generally don't include bouncing between 10-12 longnecks + multiple straight crown shots + multiple sambucas.

Honestly, I should be right next to you fighting over the tree skirt and sock for warmth.

Hell, I've got to think that sleeping next to you would be the real-world equivalent of getting stuffed inside of a Ton Ton so yeah, you can have the sock.

But seriously, I should be in the fetal position in the tub or something, or at least my wife should be ****** at me this morning. Instead she kissed me on the way out the door and I'm awake, gaming, drinking coffee, and getting ready to take the kid off for a trip to the store to burn a gift card he got for Christmas.

So... Take your hangover in your fist and shove it where you usually shove your fist and other things.