Our Oline needs to step it up

Bushrod decided to deal with Abraham by ignoring him and not so much as patting him on the back as he opened the turnstyle and let him by...Saw two to three bad plays from Bushrod where he let an elite DE go by untouched like he didn't know he was there. I think his vision needs checking.

That play was a screen. He is supposed to bump Abraham and let him free to the QB. Bushrod runs out to set up the screen and Brees gets the ball off before Abraham gets there. Abraham must have read the play because he took a crazy angle and didn't let Bushrod get the bump.

That said, I think we need help at Tackle. I still think we need pass rushers, but the D (especially Dunbar) looked solid last night. Maybe we could solve our defensive problems via free agency allowing us to consider grooming C Brown for the right side and taking a look at a new LT in the 1st?? Just a thought. I think it would help our run game tremendously.