the VG board football thread

Speaking of the picks...

I've had a superbowl hangover since... well since the SB. If they lost, it wasn't that difficult to deal with. I mean it bothered me, but it wasn't the end of the world.
We'd already been to the end of the world, bought the t-shirt, sent some postcards, climbed the mountain, found the wise old man at the top and kicked him in the jiblets.

I hadn't really put much thought into the individual struggles of the team though.

I think I'm over the SB hangover though, and I'm ready to take another trip to the end.

I said basically the same thing to someone last night. All year I've been a little apatehtic. I still wanted wins and didn't like it when they lost, but it didn't mean everything to me. Anything they did this year seemed like lagniappe. But somewhere in the third quarter of last night's game it started to really matter to me. I needed them to win again and I needed them to be in the playoffs. I just suddenly realized that if they lost, they might not even be in the playoffs and that that would really take some of the shine off of being a Saints's fan. And, had they not made the playoffs I wouldn't feel like a fan of the World Champs anymore and I just didn't want that to end.