Our Oline needs to step it up

They blitzed and overloaded and shifted on 75 percent of our offensive passing plays, what do you expect for us to stonewall a team thats constantly blitzing? They are going to get through if they continue to constantly blitz, what disappointed me was that we were unable to burn them on it. The line did fine considering that for most of the game they had to protect Drew from more men than they could handle often and both Reggie and Pierre were both awesome in blitz pickup. Bushrod is a decent starter at tackle, he is not elite and him going against arguably one of the best pass rushers in the league can't give anyone expectations of him winning that battle overall, Stinch is in the same position. Abraham obviously for most of the league needs to be chipped or something that helps nearly every tackle out there, the problem is that when the Falcons blitz alot like last night the backs/TE's cannot chip or atleast get in the way physically because they have to help out with blitzes in other areas.

I think the protection schemes were decent considering they blitzed us heavily almost every passing play. I think we should have had better hot routes, route running, and catching in the passing game. We were not prepared for them blitzing so much it's obvious because if we were Drew would have been slinging it out of there in .5 seconds on designed/well prepared hot routes.