Hot Seat Coaches - GW related

This is the end of the season and I am trying to get a consensus on which coaches will be let go. I know Williams has indicated he doesn't want to be a head coach right now, but the right offer could change his mind.

So by my count, the following coaches will not be retained:

1. John Fox (Panthers)
2. Jim Tomsula (49ers)
3. Eric Studesville (Broncos)
4. Marvin Lewis (Bengals)

The following are likely gone:
1. Gary Kubiak (Texans)
2. Eric Mangini (Browns)
3. Tony Sparano (Dolphins)
4. Jeff Fisher (Titans)

The following could be fired but are probably safe
1. Jason Garrett (Cowgirls)
2. Leslie Frazier (Vikqueens)
3. Chan Gailey (Bills)
4. Norv Turner (Chargers)
5. Jack Del Rio (Jaguars)
6. Tom Coughlin (Giants)

That is 14 coaches on the hot seat. I am pretty sure there will be at a minimum 7 vacancies. You can almost pencil Gruden to the 49ers and Cower to another team, so that leaves 5 for sure openings. I hope if GW does leave, he leaves when John Fox is still an option at DC. Thoughts?