Tracy Porter

Really, I find the posts on this board after game day to be completely baffling.

Porter got beat a couple of times. Greer got beat a couple of times. Those guys were playing on an island and that's one of the reasons why Gonzales was a non-factor.

In general, Ryan didn't throw to his wideouts, and if you watched when he was looking down field, he was double clutching a lot. Both Porter and Greer had plays where they made fantastic breaks on the ball. The PI on Porter in the field (not in the endzone) was a close call, but really and incredible defensive play. Technically he may have interfered, but the contact didn't affect the receiver at all.

Our corners have played great this year. I think they are being challenged a bit more just because our safeties (like Jenkins) have been incredible as well.

In other words Saints fans, don't be spoiled. The other team has good players, and they're going to make some plays.

Totally agree.

There were a few plays but corners will give up plays, it happens. But Ryan had 148 yards and White had 48 yards - something like that. And we didn't sack him that much . . . it was just all around solid defense that included good play by the corners. I can think of a couple passes he knocked down. Yeah, the penalties were bad, but really - the deep Jenkins penalty saved a sure TD and then Turner fumbled. Porter shouldn't have gotten beat so easily, but sometimes taking the foul (instead of giving up the score)can work in your favor.

Another thing that Porter was very good at last night was run stopping. I can think of two plays were he sealed the corner that allowed the D to keep Turner at no gain.