AA steps in & steps up the offense

I know I will catch a lot of guff for this statement, but it could be a great thing for this team having AA come into the active line up. I am pretty sure I will not have much backing for this statement, but I will state my case anyway. Every time this team has put in one of our home grown guys it has paid off for this offense. Last year, when I saw the way Mike Bell was running during preseason & the way Devery was catching every thing in sight, to go along with the way our DBs looked, I knew this team was going to have a BIG season. AA was the best reciever we had in preseason, but there just wasn't a spot for him. To be totally honest, this offense hasn't played any game this year at as high of a level as it played in at least 5 games last year. Do not be surprised if AA gives this offense a major shot in the arm it needs, just in time for the playoffs.