The One Single Factor that will Put Us Back in the SB, or end it early

This is a really interesting response. I was a little of Drew last year thinking he got too amped up in big games. In the playoffs, he went aces. I thought that would take him over the hump into the realm of Montana, Brady and Aikman. Strangely enough that amazing 1 turnover performance in the playoffs seems to have encouraged his gun slinger style more than precision surgeon style. It's money time and it will be interesting to see what style he chooses.

There's a little luck involved as well. I was just re-watching the NFCCG and Super Bowl and he had one terrible throw in the NFCCG that a Vikings linebacker (Leber, I think) flat-out dropped. Then there was the heart-stopping pass in OT where Colston bobbled it up in to the air and two Vikings knocked it out of each other's hands (sort of like what Vilma and Shanle did on the 1st Peterson fumbled). And there were one or two balls in the Super Bowl that got batted up in the air (one was a Bush screen), but fell harmlessly incomplete.

I agree Brees seems a bit more gunslinger-ish this season, but...luck has also played a part in the INT total, as this year, he's had a few tip drill INTs, some of which bounced off Saints (Betts vs. AZ and Meachem vs. CAR) and had nothing to do with defensive play. Brees' higher INT total this year is prob a mixture of over-aggressiveness and bad luck on tips and defenders actually holding on to passes.