the VG board football thread

I really think they didn't expect Carolina to win so they mailed it in for this game. What's concerning is that they have done the same thing multiple times this season. Can they turn it on in the playoffs and go all the way? Sure, but for this team, it's just as likely that they fail to show up next week and lose.

I know there was hope that Carolina could pull it off, but I didn't expect the panthers to win either.

It comes down to pride... You've let this team come into your house, two years in a row to close out the season with a win for them.

Sure, pull Drew, pull the starters, whatever... But they played a full 3 quarters before getting benched and they still just tanked.

The int was acceptable... Not sure if it should have been a penalty or not, but it looked like Moore was tripped going for the ball. Had his feet stayed under him, I don't think the int happens.

The rest of the game... no excuse. They just stunk the place up.

It's like invasion of the body snatchers NFL style.