Adrian Arrington

Yea - but if I'm not mistaken he ran a wrong route early almost leading to an INT and several times I noticed him settling next to players in zones, instead of finding space. Also he didn't always know how to work to the qb when drew was in trouble. Both things that lead to turnovers and qb hits - much worse then drops. I like him as a bench receiver, but I like seeing colston, meach, Reggie, Moore, Graham, shockey etc.... Causing mismatches and giving diverse formations out of single personnel groupings. Most teams do not rotate receivers nearly as much as we do and at this stage in his career I don't see him filling Deverys role in the playoffs. We don't NEED as many guys as we have in the consistent rotation. Would anyone complain that those other guys were getting too many snaps and we need more AA on the field the next few weeks? My only point is when everyone is healthy he might be the 4-5th best weapon on many teams but he's still 7-8 on this VERY talented squad.

Thanks for the feedback, since most of us don't see what's not on TV, and many that see it in person aren't watching anything but the ball. I can imagine that the faults that you noticed are also evident in practice, and it is why he hasn't started, but he certainly showed a lot of talent today, and I think the problems you noted can be coached away. The hands, size, speed and body control can't be coached, so I was really pleased with what I saw. Now if he can only stay healthy, he should really turn into a special player.