the VG board football thread

And, in the end, even if I'm wrong and we don't have this, isn't it a lot more fun to be positive about the team and the game than to be depressed about it. I mean isn't the entire point of being a fan to have a good time?

As an advocate for pessimism, let me posit that it is in fact the best chance for happiness. If you're a pessimist, the worst that can happen is you're right, in which case you lose nothing. But they might win, in which case you are very pleasantly surprised....always a good thing.

On the other hand, with a good attitude, if they win, it's exactly what you expected, so what? But if they lose, your hopes and dreams are crushed in a miasma of pain and misery until you can't even breath anymore and you just wish someone would put you out of your misery, but she's still there every morning when you wake up like an albatross around your neck. Nag nag nag. "I want to watch a dance show!" "Let me tell you about my day". And you realize it will be like that every day until you die, which you begin to pray will be right soon, but death never finds you. You're in a purgatory of bitterness, getting older and weaker, but no closer to sweet release of death. Finally, you realize that your only out is to wrap your mouth around the loving barrel of a 12 gauge, only you're too scared and too weak to pull the trigger. You pray for strength, but there's no one to hear it. This every day until you're just a shell of what was once human, moving robotic through space and time for all eternity.

Now which one of these is worse?