the VG board football thread

We will stomp Seattle. They've lost 7 of their last 10. We are simply better than them from top to bottom.

Chicago or Atlanta aren't anything special. Even if you think that our 28th ranked rushing attack is integral to our offense, what's gonna happen? It's gonna drop to the equivalent of being 30th ranked? Okay. So what? We'll still run the ball only as much as it takes to keep defenses honest.

Our defense can actually stop people this year. And as long as Brees is playing, we can score on any drive at any time.

If Atlanta or Chicago were some juggernauts, we might not have a chance with all the injuries. But they aren't.

We won't dominate our way through these playoffs. But we have a good chance to win all these games, a damn good chance.

Can you really ask for more than that as a fan?