I like Don Banks, but...

Your opinion, however self-characterized, is sought. Whom would you have taken for the Saints there? You may also theorize trades up or down.

I would love for us to move up for Revis. Unfourtantly Banks (correctly probably) has Revis going 15-20 and would be pricey for us to move up and get. It would take at least a 2nd and a 4th, probably a 2nd and a 3rd, to secure Revis. That's awfully expensive.

Considering who he has available, I think either Beason or Timmons would be solid picks. Both have potential as a WLB and MLB in the Saints scheme and give us some secruity/flexibility concerning Brian Simmons age. Plus I doubt any of us are sold on Shanle as a starter at WLB for the next 4 years. I like that they resigned him and am comfortable with him starting there next season, but he could be upgraded.

Also of interest would be Anthony Spencer (situational pass rusher/secruity for Charles Grant)

Given that position i'd love the Saints to trade down but i'm not sure how much value that position would have for anyone.