No crying!!! We played with heart!!!!
Give Deuce the damn ball!!!
THAT is what i'm sayin'!!!!.. no need for fallin' apart.. of the Saints '3' losses
'2' were to the AFC, no worries.. but Deuce does need to get the ball more..
I remember seein' a shot of him huddling up his teamates on the sideline
givin' them the buisness & let'n them know not to give up.. He's a man!! &
the kind of man that should be run'n the rock 20-25 times a game.. I'm not
sure if agreed with Coachs' throwing philosiphy today, yeah 2 starting DB's
were out but at the same time the M.O. of the Saints has always been ball
control, play action & then pass.. it wears down defenses this way.. so basically
"GeauX SaintS" !!