Hot or Not? Emily Blunt

maybe someday you'll get one over on me....


who knows?

maybe one day I'll get you to respond, in a multi-paragraph post, to something that was clearly a joke in a silly, trivial thread about the superficiality of actress attractiveness and philosophically reflect on the nature of beauty in the entertainment industry and how it's somehow different or less important in the political arena - taking something way too seriously that doesn't deserve it as you try and crawfish as you do, so often, on the PDB when the veil behind your hypocrisy is parted

oh wait...

Nice try but what I ACTUALLY said was that sometimes Michelle Bachman looks okay and sometimes not. And it's true. The fact is that Bachman needs makeup bigtime.

Besides, she's a politcian and not to be considered in the same category as an actress. That's why I put that option on my poll. And that's why it was on the "Politics Board".

Emily Blunt is an actress. She's a fairly young actress going for rolls that require some degree of physical attractiveness. The fact that she's actually getting some of those rolls is a testament to her acting ability moreso than her physical appearance. She Can act. An ability she probably honed because she Knew that her physical appearance would never be enough to get her bye. Her physical appearance is just enough to keep her in the game. Perhaps "Ugly" was too strong a word but she's not "Hot" (no matter how much cosmetic surgery she's had)


All that to backtrack on calling her ugly? If you meant it then there's really no need for an explanation. It's really not that serious.


while Brown's busy crawfishing, Emily Blunt is still busy not-being-ugly